
MONSTER ARCHIEF is an artistic / archival research project dedicated to the Sodomy process of Faan (Groningen, Netherlands), 1731. In this process, colloquially called the Monsterproces, 21 sodomites (~homosexuals) were sentenced to death. Their bodies were burned, but the documents remain. MONSTER ARCHIEF's mission is twofold:

  1. Gathering all primary and secondary information about the Monsterproces and making it publicly accessible
  2. Making new stories together that help us understand and process the Monsterproces.

This website is a digital archive in process. The beta version launched in mid-2024.

If you have any questions or want to contribute to the archive,

please reach out at monsterarchief@gmail.com



0. The People ____[█░░░░░░░░░]

about: A dramatis personae. Who were all the people involved in the Monsterproces? What are their relations, genealogies and biographies? What did these people look like? How are they portrayed in different (hi)stories?

status: Gathering data... Transcribing...

team: to be assembled

I. The Archive ____[███░░░░░░░]

about: An archival exercise. Where do (our ideas about) archives come from? What is the invisible architecture, burocracy, labor, organisation behind the scenes? What mechanisms are at play? How could the MONSTER ARCHIEF work as an online and physical archive?

status: First large-scale project finished... Made a good start with research... Processing results from first project...

previous contributors: river budur, Chris Luza, Tammy Langtry, Ayushi Chaurasia

II. Bylma Assembly (The Building) ____[███████░]

about: An archaeological excavation. What did mayor de Mepsche's house look like? What role did it play in the Process? How can materials from the 1957 excavation be activated in order to create reconstructions of this house? How do we relate to such reconstructions?

status: Two large-scale projects finished... Most of research finished... Preparing for a conclusive project...

previous contributors: Siem de Boer, Sanne Folgerts, Bert Nijboer, Children of de Spriknust, Paula Biemans, Imogen Humphris, river budur, Chris Luza, Tammy Langtry, Ayushi Chaurasia

team: Siem de Boer, Michiel Teeuw

III. Mepsche's Grounds (The Land) ____[████████░]

about: A meditation on property. How did mayor de Mepsche's land ownership influence de Mepsche's power and political decision-making? How did the general land laws influence and reflect the views of the time?

status: Project nearly finished... Most of research finished... Preparing for a conclusive project...

previous contributors: Maaz M. Jan, Siem de Boer.

team: Michiel Teeuw

IV. The Process ____[█░]

about: A jurisdictional dissection. What did the Process look like? Who were involved? What was the timeline of the Process? What legal, rethorical and theological frameworks did it rely on? How did it relate to processes in the Dutch urban areas and colonies?

status: Gathering data... Transcribing...

team: to be assembled

V. Helsche Boosheit (The Sin) ____ [███░]

about: A theological reading. What role did de Helsche Boosheit play, a theological manifest against sodomites? What are the different ideas that come forward in this book, and how do they relate to ideas of the time?

status: First large-scale project finished... Made a good start with research... Processing results from first project...

previous contributors: Milly, Doris Gemini, Sofía Murillo Lommers, Feije Duim, Jens Huls, Christiaan Schoonenberg

team: Christiaan Schoonenberg, Michiel Teeuw

VI. The Stories ____[██░░░░░░░░]

about: A narrative encounter. What different stories are told about the Process? Which themes return throughout them? How do they reflect the positions of the makers, and ideas of the time? What is told, and what isn't?

status: Gathering data... Transcribing and translating....

team: to be assembled